Wassup Bloggies :P
I'm sitting here pondering my existence... thinking... what am I going to blog about? As my friends, I need you to help me think of some fun ideas! Contests, Blogs, Videos, Etc. tell me your ideas! What do you want to see from Paris Monroe's Official Blog!!?!?!?!
You can e-mail me at parisquinnmonroe@rocketmail.com
just blog about your day or post some photos. you could also answer some fan questions.
oh i have an idea. write a blog about your family. i'm sure a lot of fans would like to know if you have any other siblings or pets or something...
other ideas... oh you could post a video of you playing your piano. i would love to see you play.
what else... you could post a recipe to your perfect smoothie and teach us how to make it or something... that would be cool!
ok i'll post more ideas later! i hope you like these!xxx
also you should allow anonymous people post as well because many people don't even have blogger and they can't post a comment...
heyy. can you like make videos of you (and maybe you're sister) playing the piano and singing?
btw you are amazing, keep you're work up and i've been a fan ever since i saw a video of you guys sing satnd up for love!
<3 daisy from switzerland
you should blog about fashion!
btw only people that have a google or a blogspot account can comment on your blog.
i know you can make it public so everyone can comment but im not sure how... :P
VLOGS!!!! Vlogs would be awesome every few days!!!!!! :D
oh sorry paris.... i didnt know i sent that comment in so many times! i thought it wasn't working!
Very cool new layout. I thought it was messing up at first because I looked at it from my iPod touch at first and the background was all skipping around.
Anyways, I'm planning on entering your contest! I have to get photoshop back on my computer though, my old one crashed and my friend borrowed the disk. She lives out of town and will have to mail it to me D': so hopefully I can get it before the deadline. Good luck choosing a winner, sounds like a lot of people entered. (:
-Cliquefix from youtube <3
You should make a video about your home life/family and just fun stuff you and a Destinee do- basically what Emily said
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